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Press-release RADEL and Automation 2024.

From September 25 to 27, 2024, in St. Petersburg, in the CEC EXPOFORUM, in Pavilion G, the international specialized exhibitions "Radio Electronics and Instrumentation" and "Automation" are being held.

More than 280 companies from Russia, Belarus and China take part in the exhibitions, including more than 120 new firms. The exhibition area is 8,000 sq. m.

The organizer of the exhibitions is the "FAREXPO" Exhibition Company.
The sponsor of the exhibition is SINNO ELECTRONICS CO., Ltd.

Thousands of specialists register for the exhibitions to see the latest developments of the participants in person, conduct negotiations, conclude profitable contracts, watch presentations and get answers to questions of interest, become a listener of the seminar program from practicing experts, and feel the value of personal contact in an offline format.

Well-known companies that have established themselves in the radio electronics and industrial automation market take part in the exhibitions. State Budgetary Institution "Zelenograd Development Corporation", LLC PSA Plant "EleSi", GC "OWEN-ENERGO", LLC "OWEN-AVTOMATIZATSIYA", TD "MEANDR", GC "Mikron", LLC "RANTECH", JSC "Karachevsky Plant "Elektrodetal", JSC "Plant "Kopir", JSC "Plant Atlant", OJSC "Elekond", Irkutsk Relay Plant, LLC "KV Systems", LLC "KEV-RUS", "AVIV Group", LLC "Global Engineering", LLC "Nienschanz-Avtomatika", LLC "NPP "Kontaktmodul", LLC "Pnevma", ELEGIR MARKING, ENGIBOX, Farbe Elektronik, LLC "Avantech", JSC "Design Center "Soyuz", LLC "Lifeelectronics", LLC NPK "Kontakt", JSC NPO "ERKON", LLC "SMTMAKS", OJSC "Fryazino Power Transistor Plant" and many others.

Among companies from China are industry leaders: Icsole Technology Ltd., Agreat International Co., Ltd., Beijing Global Ecer Technology Co., Ltd., Chip Space Electronics Co., Ltd., EASTECH ELECTRONICS Ltd., Hong Kong Capital Industrial Co. , Ltd., Hongrong (shenzhen) Electronics Co., Ltd., JYC Electronic Co., Ltd., Shanghai VA Instrument Co. Ltd., Shenzhen Amilmo Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Liontron Technology Co., Ltd., Sichuan Sanling Industrial Group Co., Ltd., Topfast Electronic Ltd., Ucreate PCB CO Ltd., Xi'an Kerui Zhida Information Technology & Xianyang Lianzhi Electronics, YPCB and others.

From September 25 to 27, the "RADEL-2024" and "Automation-2024" exhibitions will once again become the center of the latest technologies in the field of radio electronics, instrumentation and industrial automation. Participating companies will present a wide range of products and innovations, including:

LLC "Kommenzh"



LLC "Pnevma"

LLC "TaurRos Tekhnika"




Farbe Elektronik


Shenzhen Hejun Electronic Com., Ltd

And many other new products.

Check the list of exhibitors here >>> and here >>>

The exhibitions are accompanied by a seminars program, which takes place in Conference Hall G23-G24.

On September 25, LLC GC "OWEN-ENERGO" will talk about the capabilities, products and solutions for automated process control systems from GC "OWEN-ENERGO". OOO PSA Plant "EleSi" will present a report on the industrial automation ecosystem: from a controller to ready-made solutions. OOO GC "OWEN-ENERGO" will conduct an overview of OWEN products. New freely programmable devices. LLC "Uzola" will talk about programmable logic controllers. Plant "Elekon" will talk about the use of domestically produced electrical connectors. Implementation of connectors mastered under the import substitution program. Plant "Elektrodetal", Plant "Kopir", "Elektrosoedinitel", Plant "Atlant" will present a report on the topic: "Application of manufactured products within the framework of import substitution in consumers' electronic equipment. Prospects for cooperation and development".

On September 26, GC "Mikron" will present a report on the topic: Microcircuits of JSC "MICRON" and JSC "NIIME": New products and promising developments. During the report, the following products will be discussed: memory chips, processors and controllers, FPGAs, BMK, AC BMK and firmware based on them, ADC, op amps, comparators and other digital and analog ICs. "OWEN-AVTOMATIZATSIYA" will talk about the new products of TM KIPPRIBOR and their application in automation of production processes. The company "LionTech" will talk about visual control of common sense - for healthy immunity. JSC "Proton" will present a report on the topic: “Devices with galvanic isolation and features of production of JSC "Proton" products within the framework of import substitution.”

A detailed schedule of the business program can be found here >>>

Free shuttle buses from the Moskovskaya metro station (Moskovsky Prospekt 197 stop) run to the CEC EXPOFORUM on all days of the exhibition.

Exhibition hours: September 25-26 from 10:00 to 18:00, September 27 from 10:00 to 16:00


Accreditation of journalists, provision of press materials and organization of individual interviews:
Pochernina Alena (Marketing and Advertising Manager): +7 (812) 718-35-37 (ext. 657);
e-mail: reklama2@farexpo.ru


Press-release 2023


Exhibition schedule
Exhibition profile
Exhibitors list
plan o the exhibition 2024


Reasons to visit
Invitation card
Opening times for visitors


Preliminary application
Stand assembly
Requirements for layouts
Customs clearance


Conference programme


Press release 2024
Post-release 2024
Post-release of the Russian-Chinese round table
Media accreditation